"together changing the world around us"

Welcome to SISTER-FRIEND PARTNERSHIPS, INC, where we empower all women, especially women of color and their families, through collaborative partnerships and friendships, life coaching, mentorship at every age and stage, and faith enrichment. We believe in the power of community, and the shE-HUB is just the sister-friend family you've been looking for!

A Sister-Friend (SF) is a person who adds to your life by helping you to become all that you can be. She gives to you (even sacrificially) so that you may increase in knowledge, style, and courage. She has a genuine heart for your well-being and can relate to your complexities from various viewpoints.
SF accepts your uniqueness and embraces the "REAL" you without judgment. She preaches truth through lifestyle design and always pursues purposeful realities to share with those around her. She knows that even her noblest jesters of kindness are imperfect, but that never deters her from pushing past her limitations to give herself as a living example (and, in many cases, giving you permission to be all you can be, too).
She will remember you always, no matter the distance or the life assignment. She learns to love better as she gives love, bringing the heart of service, relationship stewardship, and continuity to the forefront.
She comes in all ages, shapes, sizes, and colors, so don’t miss her, or, better yet, don’t miss God!!! He sent her your way!

(original writer unknown)